Friday, September 26, 2014

Preaching to the choir (again)

Our song today is, "Get on board, little children!"

It’s getting to be CropWalk time again. This year the Barrington Area Crop Hunger Walk is being held on Sunday, October 19, kicking off at St. Paul's UCC, just across Main Street from St. Anne's.

It’s a fairly simple concept: community members of all ages walk the 10K village route, and get pledges from friends and families. Church World Service sponsors these walks all over the country. The money goes to various agencies around the world to support hunger relief, with 25% of the amount raised returned to the local area to help with local anti-hunger programs.

We who have enough to eat are the lucky ones, and I guess it just strikes me that being able to choose what to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and more) is a luxury that a vast number of people in the world do not have. As a Christian, I can’t think out of a scarcity economy. There must be enough in a world created by an abundant God to feed everyone when we begin to understand that this is God’s will for us. It’s only by our ignoring the hunger of others that hunger continues to exist. 
So this is one way that I have of making a small contribution to the effort. If you can, please support the Barrington Cropwalk, or hunger relief in your own area.

If you’d like to make a pledge to my Cropwalk this year, you can visit my pledge page by clicking here.

Otherwise, do not give up hope or become cynical about the possibility, no, the necessity of eradicating hunger and poverty in our lifetime. The only certain failure is the death of hope, and if Christians do not believe in the possibility of the kingdom’s emergence from human solidarity, what good are we? What else can the miracle of the loaves mean, if not that in the reign of God all be fed, by God’s will, through human mediation?

St. Anne Choir Team page. Everybody has their favorite charities and causes, and Lord knows that the politicians and parties have their hands in our pockets this time of year as well. But if you are able and so inclined, please be part of this effort, or some effort, to help feed the hungry. If you can help sponsor the choir in this effort, we'll be there to do the walking, and we'll remember you at mass that Sunday to boot!

Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.  (Desmond Tutu)

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