Sunday, May 19, 2013

"As though this singing were the breath of God"

Happy Pentecost, everybody!

This Very Morning
by Rory Cooney

As though this breeze were born of hov'ring wings,
As though this singing were the breath of God,
As though this world were wet from recent birth,
As though these thankful tongues were all the tongues of earth,

As though our eyes were lit by tongues of fire,
As though on clover paths God spoke our name,
As though a slave awoke in freedom's light
As though from death a dream might leap, as day from night:

Let us rejoice!
This very morning,
This is the day that God has made:
Let us be glad now!

As though all chaos hushed at God's command,
As though earth's bounty might be shared by all,
As though from human sin a promise bloomed,
As though we wept, and saw thru tears an empty tomb,

As though no pow'r might hold God's own in thrall,
As though no human grip could grasp and hold, 
As though a king could fear a baby's cry,
As though a god might hang a strongbow in the sky.

Let us rejoice!
This very morning,
This is the day that God has made:
Let us be glad now!

As though a God might kneel to wash our feet,
As though new wind and flame might rout our fear,
As though a gift were given for every need,
As though the bread we break might all creation feed,

Let us rejoice!
This very morning,
This is the day that God has made.
Let us be glad

© 1998 GIA Publications. All rights reserved. 

Song link at iTunes: This Very Morning - This Very Morning

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaahhhh - just what I needed. Beautiful -thank you!
