Saturday, February 3, 2018

My Lenten Blog Posts, 2013-2017 - a resource

Greetings to all who read this blog!

As we get ready for Lent, I thought you might be able to use this index page for all the material I've written about Lenten Sundays (and a few weekdays), as well as material on the Rite of Election and Scrutinies. Blog posts on Triduum will have their own page, and I'll try to organize Easter later this year.

I apologize in advance for the dearth of material on weeks 3, 4, and 5 of Lent outside of Year A. We only use those readings at St. Anne when we don't have catechumens, and it hasn't happened very often! So good luck with those.

For now at least, I hope these may help give you ideas on music, preaching, and ritual as we head into Lent 2018. Thank you for your support.

Information about my book of Lenten Reflection, Change Our Hearts, can be found here, or using the link to 


1. General

2. Ash Wednesday

3. First Sunday of Lent

5. Third Sunday of Lent

6. Fourth Sunday of Lent

7. Fifth Sunday of Lent

8. Scrutinies and "The Mystery of Sin"

9. Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion

10. Lenten Weekdays

11. Songs for Lent from "SongStories"